The legal-economic analysis of WTO case law of 2015

June 16, 2016 > June 17, 2016, Florence

Jaime de Melo, Scientific Advisor at Ferdi, took part in this worshop organised by the European University Institute

This workshop undertakes a yearly analysis of all case law by the adjudicating bodies of the WTO, including un-appealed Panel reports, Appellate Body reports, and other relevant jurisprudence. The studies for 2015 will cover a wide range of WTO law including retaliation and compliance, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary standards (over bird flu and foot and mouth disease), antidumping, countervailing duties, and safeguards and it will address major sectors including agriculture, fisheries, steel, autos, and green technologies. Each of the cases is jointly evaluated by an economist and a lawyer, both well-known experts in the field of trade law and international economics. The scholars critically review the jurisprudence of WTO adjudicating bodies and evaluate whether the ruling 'makes sense' from an economic as well as legal point of view, and if not, whether the problem lies in the interpretation of the law or the law itself. The studies do not always cover all issues discussed in a case, but they seek to discuss both the procedural and the substantive issues that form the 'core' of the dispute.

Attachments :

  • Programme
  •  Presentation by Jaime de Melo : Comments on Does Safeguards need Saving? Lessons from the Ukraine Passenger Cars Dispute

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