Projets de développement, conditions de vie et activité économique dans les pays du G5 Sahel
June 03, 2021
The Sahel Chair aims, through its axis 3, to provide rapid but rigorous impact assessments of development policies in the G5 Sahel countries.
This seminar presented the results of an impact study of development projects in the zone.
This study used a methodology adapted to fragile and hard-to-reach areas and delivered interesting conclusions that will be discussed during this seminar.
Arcand J-L., Barro L. (2021) Development projects, living conditions and economic activity in the G5 Sahel countries. FERDI Working Paper P291.
Lamissa Barro (University of Dédougou) will present the paper for 15 minutes, followed by a presentation by Jean-Louis Arcand (University of Geneva) on the perspectives considered.