Public and Private Actors in the Changing Landscape of World Aid

June 26, 2013, Paris

As the 2015 deadline approaches for achieving the MDGs and crafting a new development agenda, there is the need to delineate the contributions of public and private actors to this fast evolving development assistance landscape.

A conference organised by IDDRI, with the partnership of, at Sciences Po Paris

With the participation of:

  • Melinda Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Patrick Guillaumont, Ferdi
  • Philippe Meunier, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Jacques Moineville, French Development Agency (AFD)
  • Laurence Tubiana, IDDRI-Sciences Po
  • Kevin Watkins, Overseas Development Institute

Conference chaired by Ghassan Salamé - PSIA-Sciences Po


The development assistance landscape has experienced tremendous change over the last decades. Official development assistance (ODA) has been reforming since the inception of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to address rising concerns about its impact and efficiency. At the same time, new actors, including private donors, are playing an increasing role in the funding and the setting of development assistance in specific sectors such as agriculture and health. As the 2015 deadline approaches for achieving the MDGs and crafting a new development agenda, there is the need to delineate the contributions of public and private actors to this fast evolving development assistance landscape and to enhance its synergies and overall impact.

Iddri website