Presentation of the European Report on Development (ERD)

June 22, 2015, Paris

Lisa Chauvet and Matthieu Boussichas were invited to comment on the presentation of the report.

Matthieu Boussichas, Programme Manager at Ferdi and Lisa Chauvet, Research Fellow at the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD-Université Paris Dauphine) and Senior Fellow Ferdi, were invited to comment on the presentation of the 5th European Report on Development (ERD) :  «Combining finance and policies to implement a transformative post-2015 development agenda».

The post-2015 development agenda, which marks a true paradigm shift, is a major priority for the EU. The goal is to secure both an ambitious outcome in September 2015 and a clear commitment from all to follow through with its implementation. To succeed, the Europe needs to mobilize and use effectively all relevant Means of
Implementation, financial and non-financial, public and private, domestic and international. Crucially, these need to be underpinned by sound policies and an enabling environment at all levels.

Independent research has an important role to play in this debate, not least in identifying lessons and possible solutions. This is also the objective of this year's European Report on Development, produced with the support of the European Commission and four Member States – Finland, France, Germany and Luxembourg.


ERD5 :



Ordre du jour

10h00 – 10h10 : Présentation

Laura Recuero Virto, Chief Economist, MAEDI
Miriam Cué Rio, Policy Officer, EC

10h10 – 10h25 : Panorama de l’argumentaire et principales conclusion du rapport

James Mackie, Senior Adviser EU Development Policy, ECDPM

10h25 – 10h40 : Le commerce comme moteur de développement, illustré par le cas de l’Ile Maurice

Marie-Agnès Jouanjean, Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute

10h40 – 11h10 : Commentaires Olivier Brochenin, Sous-directeur, Sous-direction des politiques de développement, DBM, MAEDI Lisa Chauvet, Chargée de recherche, IRD-Université Paris Dauphine Matthieu Boussichas, Responsable de programmes, Ferdi - Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International 

11h10 – 11h30 : Questions