Presentation of ACET’s African Transformation Report.

April 03, 2014, Paris

The African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), in partnership with the OECD and the Ferdi is pleased to invite you to a presentation of ACET’s African Transformation Report.

The event took place on 3 April 2014 at the OECD.

The premise of the African Transformation Report is that African economies need more than growth if they are to transform; they need growth with DEPTH. That is, they need to Diversify their production, make their Exports competitive, increase the Productivity of farms, firms, and government offices, and upgrade the Technology they use throughout the economy all to improve Human well-being.

The presentation of the report brought together local and international organizations and institutions with interest in Africa’s development to discuss this report that is gaining serious attention:

  • The Economist: “A detailed report on Africa’s progress and prospects.”
  • Council on Foreign Relations: “Transforming Africa along DEPTH lines will mitigate the risk of shock for African countries”
  • New African magazine: “The report’s 10-point suggestion for driving economies, set out in the overview, could readily be used as an agenda to shape the strategies of individual African nation.” 

Read the report

Press release

web site of Acet :



11:00              Welcome address Erik Solheim, DAC Chair

11:10              Introduction - Setting the scene

K.Y. Amoako, ACET President
Patrick Guillaumont, Président, Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international

11:25              Video

11:35              Presentation of the “Africa Transformation Report”

Yaw Ansu – ACET Chief Economist

11:50             Panel discussion

Moderated by Jaime de Melo, Professor emeritus, University of Geneva and Senior Fellow Ferdi  


Yaw Ansu - Chief Economist, ACET
Mario Pezzini, Director, OECD Development Centre
Vanessa Jacquelain, Economist, Africa Department, Agence française de développement
Stephen Decam, Director, Conseil français des investisseurs en Afrique

12:30         Questions and answers session

13:00         Closing remarks


About Acet

The African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) is an Accra-based economic policy institute supporting Africa’s long-term economic growth through transformation. Founded by K.Y. Amoako, former Executive Secretary of the UN’s Economic Commission for Africa, ACET’s team of roughly 30 core staff have come from every sub-region of the continent, including from Burkina Faso, DRC, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and Uganda. More at