Launching ceremony of the health economics training

November 11, 2019, Ouagadougou

On Monday, November 11, 2019, in Ouagadougou, was held a ceremony to launch the 2019 session of the Health Economics Training: "Strengthening Health Systems and Policies against Infectious Diseases".

This training aimed at public and private actors from French-speaking countries in sub-Saharan Africa concerned with the health sector, whether at the national, regional, or district level. 

The ceremony was presided by:

  • His Excellency Tertius ZONGO, Director of the Sahel Chair, 
  • M. Seydou DIAKITE, Consul of Monaco in Burkina Faso
  • M. Secretary-General representing Mrs. Minister of Health,
  • Professor Jacky Mathonnat, 

We also welcome the presence of the  auditors: 

  • ANKUONG FANG Lucie (Cameroun)
  • BERNATAS Jean-Jacques (ambassade de France)
  • CHOMSSEM DEFO Charles Michel (Cameroun)
  • DEMBELE Biéter (Mali)
  • DIALLO Sidy (Mali)
  • HAMIDOU Ramatoulaye (Niger)
  • MAIGA Boubacar Younoussou (Mali)
  • MOULAYE Idriss Ben (Mali)
  • NGOM Ibrahima (Mali)
  • OUOBA-OUEDRAOGO Ghislaine (consulat de Monaco)
  • RATSIAMBAKAINA Diana (Madagascar)
  • SAKANA Leticia (Burkina Faso)
  • SY Mansour (Mali)


  • Chaire Sahel