Fifth Global Review of Aid For Trade

June 30, 2015, Genève

Jaime de Melo, Scientific Advisor at the Ferdi, participated in the side event on trade between Francophone countries of Asia and Africa organised by OIF and ITC

During the Fifth Global Review of Aid For Trade, OIF and ITC have organised a worshop Aide pour le commerce et coopération commerciale intra et interrégionale dans l'espace francophone: expériences et perspectives Afrique Centrale-Asie-Afrique de l'Ouest.

This side event has presented the very positive results of the project they have conducted between 2003 and 2014. The objective of this project was to improve trade between Francophone countries of Asia and Africa.

Jaime de Melo, Scienctific Advisor at the Ferdi  participated in this workshop and presented the book L'Aide pour le commerce - Quels enseignements, quel avenir?

This book is the French version of the  book edited in 2014 Aid for Trade: What have we learnt? Which way ahead?



Presentation by Jaime de Melo (in French) : 



Overview and programme dof the workshop (in French):