The aim of this Executive Training Seminar was to introduce young academics and policy makers to important and novel issues in current development policies, arising in a context where the rules of the game are undergoing rapid changes, such as new balance of power between emerging and developed countries and persistent effects of the global financial crisis.
The seminar was structured around the issue of financing development, covering new and existing modalities, as well as, the analysis of policies and best practices to push national states to best mobilise resources internally.
Speakers, coming both from the academic community and from the major international governmental and nongovernmental institutions, focused on particular case studies and best practices, in order to provide trainees with a toolbox to be used during negotiations or policy discussions.
Professor Patrick Guillaumont, Président of Ferdi presented “The Performance Based Allocation of Development Assistance Challenged by Economic Vulnerability and State Fragility”. A lot of his publications and articles are on this website.
More videos, programme and participants :Site du programme "Global Governance" de l'Institut Universitaire européen