Consultative Meeting with OECD-DAC members on the 2016 UN Secretary-General’s report on “The Review of Implementation of Commitments made towards Africa’s Development”

November 23, 2015 > November 24, 2015, Paris

Matthieu Boussichas participated in the CAD-OECD consultating meeting.

The overall objective of these consultative meetings is to engage experts from a broad spectrum of stakeholders in government, academia and civil society organisations on the 2016 report of the Secretary-General on “The review of the implementation of commitments made towards Africa’s development”. More specifically, the meetings aim to (i) identify key commitments in the four thematic areas the report focuses on; (ii) highlight major achievements and challenges in the implementation of commitments to Africa’s development and; (iii) generate consensus on measures to advance national, regional and international actions in the proposed thematic areas.

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