Annual conference of the International Growth Center (IGC)

September 23, 2013 > September 25, 2013, Londres

Participation of Jim de Melo, Olivier Cadot and Paul Collier, Senior Fellows Ferdi.


The annual conference of the International Growth Center brings together a wide range of policymakers and researchers to discuss the latest issues in development.

► Jim de Melo took part in the session on the topic of Sierra Leone and Liberia where he presented his evaluation of the regional policies of these two countries.

Trade Opportunities and Constraints: Towards a Strategy

Regional and Global Trade Strategies for Liberia

► Olivier Cadot took part in the session on the topic of Rwanda :

How Do Exporters Adjust to Exchange-Rate Fluctuations? New Evidence from the East African Community

► Paul Collier (Co-Director, Centre for the Study of African Economies and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford) spoke on the topic of Financing Infrastructure Investment in Africa :

Podcasts and presentations from all other sessions will be available shortly. - See more at :