16th Annual Global Development Conference

June 11, 2015 > June 13, 2015, Casablanca

The Ferdi organized the session 20 "Assistance to Agricultural Development in Africa: Decline and Reversal".

Assistance to Agricultural Development in Africa: Decline and Reversal

le 13 juin, 11h-12h30 (session 20)

After a severe decrease in ODA dedicated to agricultural sector, aid to agriculture seems to receive today a renewed interest. This interest is in line with the post-2015 development agenda, in particular for Africa. An acceleration in the African agricultural development, in spite of climate threat, is indeed essential to guaranty food security, a better sociopolitical balance between rural and urban areas, and finally a domestic basis for expansion of industrial activities.
Panel aimed to take stock of new trends and prospects on aid to agriculture and to see how these trends fall within the new development agenda.
This event has gathered together personalities from the South and the North, aid statisticians and practitioners and experts on agricultural development.

Chairperson and discussant : Patrick Guillaumont, President of Ferdi :  Introductory remarks - Questions about aid to agricultural development

Speakers :

  • Ravi Kanbur, Professor, Cornell University
  • Alexandros Sarris, Professor of Economics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Senior Fellow Ferdi : Assistance to agricultural development in Africa: Decline and Reversal
  • Bassirou Dione, Head of the Division of Analysis, Forecasting and Agricultural Statistics, Ministère de l’agriculture du Sénégal : Aide publique au développement consacrée au secteur agricole en Afrique: acteurs, formes, efficacité et orientations. Cas du Sénégal (paper) and power point presentation : 

The session was reported in the Conference Dailynews, and the chart trends on aid to ARD, 1973-2013 , 5 year moving average ODA commitments, constant 2013 prices from the presentation by Patrick Guillaumont was indicated "graph of the day".

Link to the article of the Conference Dailynews


Over 350 participants from 58 countries (more than 80 per cent from developing countries) have shared their views on the major topic of ‘Agriculture for sustainable growth: challenges and opportunities for a new Green Revolution’. Papers and presentations are available at GDN’s 16th Annual Conference webpage : Link to the website of the event (GDN)